Upstate Legacy Society

The Upstate Legacy Society is comprised of donors who care about Upstate Medical University and our surrounding community, who have left a gift from their will or from other estate assets to support a fund, program or service that is meaningful to them and close to their heart. For each individual or family, it is all about making an impact on the future and is a statement about the values important to them.

If you would like more information about leaving a life changing legacy gift to the Upstate Foundation please fill out the Please contact me form below.

Legacy Society Luncheon

Save the date: Tuesday, October 7, 2025

Life and Legacy

Legacy gifts come in all sizes and from a wide range of vehicles. While leaving a gift from your will is still one of the most popular options, gifts are also given from retirement accounts, IRAs, life insurance, charitable trusts, donor-advised funds, charitable gift annuities, bank accounts and trusts. If you have been supporting a fund or endowment at Upstate, or would like to open a fund, consider a legacy gift to support what has been meaningful to you during your lifetime.

To read some Legacy Society member stories, click here.


Upstate Legacy Society members

Anonymous (10)
Betty J. Aiello
Dr. Kumar Ashutosh
Dr. Sabita Ashutosh+
Mrs. Jean Beers
Katherine Beissner, PhD
Mrs. Myrna Benedict+
Mr. and Mrs. James Borthwick
Iris L. Buczkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cady III
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cady
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Gail Cali
Phillip P. Capozzi, Jr., MD
Sue and Ron Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Conners
Ms. Muriel Connerton
Mr. and Mrs. David Craig
Ceme and Jim Curley
Rev. Rayne Dabney
Mr. Gregory M. Davis
Judy Dennis
Antony and Dina DeSorbo
Dr. and Mrs. Mantosh Dewan
Mary Jo Dinuzzo
Sheila Dion
Mrs. Charlotte Dlugolenski
Martin and Nanette Farkas
Ms. Shirley Florczyk
Mr. Richard Freeman
Toni and Rick Gary
Lee Gatta and Joe Reddick


Mary Ellen and John Gleason
Mr. Daniel Grannis
Ms. Jane Haley
Laura Hamilton
Mary Pat and Joe Hartnett
Mr. Dennis Hayes
Dave and Carolyn Hendrickson
Mr. J.G. Frederick+ and
Ms. Marialyce Hiss, Jr.+
Ms. Zanette G. Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Katsolis
Mrs. Molly King
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klotz
Trudy J. Kletsky
Mrs. Patricia Knope
Leslie Kohman, MD
Ms. Claire Kotula
Mrs. Harriet Maddy+
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McArdell
Victoria Meguid, MD
Ms. Marilyn C. Miller+
Mrs. Allan Miskell
Mr. Allan Miskell+
Mrs. Nichole Moles and Mr. Peter Moles
Maxwell Mozell, PhD+
Mr. John L. Murad, Jr. and
Ms. Renee James
M. Janice Nelson, EdD+
Mary A. Nelson
Mrs. Ellen Nesbitt
Susan Nolte, PhD, CRNP
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ogata
Mrs. Mary Pat Oliker
Thomas Palmer and Family
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Parker, Jr.+
Eileen and John Pezzi
Mr. Robert Pietrafesa
Lisa M. Procanick
Ms. Sharon Putney
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Ratner
Dean J. Ripley
Henry S. Roane, PhD
Ms. Mary Rochette
Carrie Roseamelia, PhD
Douglas H. Rosekrans, DC
Mrs. Ann Rothschild
Doretta Royer
Mrs. Elizabeth Runkle+
Mr. and Mrs. David Schneckenburger
Mr. and Mrs. George Schunck+
Bonnie and Kurt Seitz
Drs. Richard and Irene Sills
David R. Slade
W. Alan VanDeusen+
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Vlassis
Mr. James Vossler
Drs. Gail and Zellman Warhaft
Mr. James Weinstein
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch
Ms. Linda Wilcox
Mrs. Cynthia Cary Woods


+ deceased
(listing as of 12/2023)


Please contact me
