About the Upstate Foundation
The Upstate Foundation was founded in 1976 as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation to receive and administer gifts and bequests for charitable purposes with a focus on patient care, education, scientific research, and community health and well-being. A public charity with the ability to make distributions to any qualified nonprofit organization, the Upstate Foundation’s primary orientation is supporting the mission of Upstate Medical University.
Corporate Sponsor Opportunities
Your company’s support of our signature events, scholarships, annual giving and named giving opportunities highlighted in this sponsorship guide will touch the lives of many and make a real difference in the health and well-being of our community.
Endowment Update
Endowment Update is the Upstate Foundation’s annual report to donors who have given to endowment campaigns. Endowments are vital to the work and mission of Upstate Medical University, providing permanent, ongoing funding for important work in research, education, and patient care.
Named Giving Opportunities
A description and location of naming opportunities available at Upstate Medical University.
Upstate Today & Tomorrow
Upstate Today & Tomorrow is developed from an income tax and estate tax perspective for estate planning attorneys, financial planners, and donors interested in creating a legacy of caring. These timely ideas and stories highlight the profound impact of a planned gift to the Upstate Foundation.