Tribute and Memorial Gifts

Honor and remember the special people in your life on a birthday, anniversary, for a special occasion or achievement, or during a time of loss with a tribute or memorial gift. If you chose, your gift can be designated to any of our 1,100+ funds, representing patient care, education, research, and community health and well-being.

Thank you. 

Click here to give online.

Give by mail: Upstate Foundation, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
Make check payable to: Upstate Foundation – in the memor line add name of person in honor or memory of

Give by phone: 315-464-4416

A Gift in Memory

A gift in memory of your loved one provides a helping hand to others. Many good works happen at Upstate University Hospital/Upstate Golisano Hospital only because individuals thoughtfully gave a memorial gift, or suggested to friends and family that they make a memorial gift to Upstate in lieu of flowers. The family will be notified of your thoughtful gift (but not the amount). Other opportunities exist to permanently provide a legacy for a loved one through endowments and named giving. For more information, call 315-464-4416.

Special Occasion Tribute

A special occasion tribute is a perfect choice for individuals who would like to give their friends and family an alternate way to provide a celebratory gift. Special occasion gifts can be designated to any of our funds, including the Golisano Children's Hospital and the Upstate Cancer Center. Examples of special occasions that are popular for this type of giving are birthdays, anniversaries and weddings. The Foundation notifies the tribute individual(s) of your gift (excluding the amount). Visit our special wedding favor page.

Send a Thank You

Send a thank you to someone on staff at Upstate who assisted you or a family member through a tribute gift. The Foundation will notify the individual(s) of your tribute gift (not the amount) and message. Thank yous touch the hearts of both the giver and the receiver.


Upstate Foundation Guidelines for Tribute Gifts

The Upstate Foundation is the primary philanthropic entity for Upstate Medical University, and as such, tribute gifts should be directed to the Foundation when someone passes away. Tribute gifts will be deposited into the specified fund in a timely manner, and acknowledgment letters will be sent within 48 hours of receipt, per Foundation policy and internal audit requirements.

When an inquiry is made regarding tribute gifts:

  • Identify the correct name of the a fund, or area of interest
  • Checks may be made payable to the name of the fund with the name of the deceased on the memo line
  • Mail to the Upstate Foundation, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
  • If possible, obtain the name and address of the family member to who a list of donors can be sent; this list will be updated weekly
  • Donors will be sent an acknowledgment letter that can be used for tax purposes