College of Medicine
SUNY Upstate Medical University is the only academic medical center in Central New York, one of only 127 medical schools nationally. Clinically, we serve 1.8 million people in an area that covers one-third of the state's land mass. The College of Medicine works in tandem with Upstate University Hospital.
Below are some examples of how our Foundation assists the College of Medicine. We welcome inquiries on how you might provide assistance to this important CNY resource through a current gift or an estate gift.
While tuition at SUNY schools tends to be lower than private schools, our medical school graduates still face a substantial financial investment due to the many years of training they need to receive. The Foundation has a number of scholarship funds to provide assistance to medical students. Below are a few examples:
Josephine Hull Scholarship Endowment
Doctors David H.P. and Barbara W. Streeten Medical Student Scholarship Endowment
HSCF Scholarship Endowment
Funded lectureships allow the college to bring nationally reknowned speakers to Upstate for the benefit of students, faculty and staff. Examples include:
Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Lectureship Endowment
Bruce Dearing Endowment for Medical Humanities
Dr. Hans Hartenstein Pediatric Grand Rounds Lectureship
Frederick B. Parker Jr, MD Endowed Lectureship in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Endowed professorships enable the College of Medicine to attract the best and the brightest faculty to Upstate, enhancing the quality of education as well as the quality of medical care at Upstate. Examples include:
Gregory S. Liptak, MD Endowed Professorship in Child Development
Robert B. and Molly G. King Endowed Professorship in Neurosurgery
David G. Murray, M.D. Endowed Professorship in Orthopedic Surgery
Dr Michael & Rissa Ratner Endowed Professorship in Pediatric Surgery
General Academic Support
Many funds are created to support Upstate's three intertwined missions of education, biomedical research and patient care. Examples include:
Pathology Academic Enrichment Fund
Telemedicine and Medical Informatics Endowment
Radiation Oncology Endowment
Zahi Makhuli Endowed Fund in Urology
Please consider supporting this vital CNY resource by donating now to an existing fund or call the Foundation's office to speak to a development officer to discuss how you might name a new fund through a current gift or an estate gift: 315-464-4416.