The Upstate Outpatient Pharmacy Funds
State University of New York Outpatient Pharmacy
Our pharmacists provide quality, patient-centered care by working closely with Upstate’s health care team to deliver an expert, comprehensive medication management service. From the moment you enter the hospital through your discharge and follow-up care, we are with you to help you manage your medications.
Please consider a gift to one of the funds below. Your gift is 100 percent tax-deductible.
The Upstate Outpatient Pharmacy Fund #47691 was established at the Upstate Foundation to provide assistance to patients with unmet medication needs.
The Upstate Outpatient Pharmacy Retention and Recognition Fund #33650 is used to recognize Outpatient Pharmacy employees with such things as: certificates for staff achievements, celebrations during National Pharmacist/Technician month, pharmacy staff bereavement and special occasion gifts.
Ways to give
Online: see form below
Check: payable to the Upstate Foundation, use the memo line to indicate the fund designation
Mail to: Upstate Foundation
750 E Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
Payroll deduction
- Upstate Foundation's Power of Us! employee giving campaign
- Upstate Medical University's annual Community Giving employee giving campaign (United Way)