Kohl’s Safe Sleep for Infants at Upstate University Hospital
In partnership with Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital, the Upstate Foundation and Kohl’s Cares.
About 90 babies die each year in New York State from sleep-related causes. Sudden unexpected infant death syndrome (SUIDS) is the third leading cause of infant mortality in NYS, after complications from preterm birth and birth defects. Parents and caregivers need to be reminded about safe sleep to reverse this alarming trend that puts infants at risk.
The Kohl’s Safe Sleep for Infants at Upstate program provides educational materials and training for new parents and caregivers on the importance of having your infant in a safe sleeping environment.
What does a safe sleep environment look like?
- Remove all loose bedding, comforters, quilts, stuffed animals, bumpers, and pillows from your baby's sleep area.
- Baby's sleep area should be placed in the parent's room, if possible.
- Never let the baby fall asleep in a bed, chair, couch, or with another person. Baby should always sleep alone.
- Consider using a sleep sack instead of a blanket. If a blanket is used, make sure it is no higher than the middle of the chest and tucked into the mattress.
- Dress your baby in light sleep clothing and keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for an adult.
- Provide "tummy time" when your baby is awake and supervised.
- Place your baby to sleep on his or her back for every sleep, including naps and at night.
- Breastfeeding is best. After breastfeeding is established, offer your baby a clean dry pacifier during sleep.
- Do not smoke or let anyone smoke around your baby.
- Use a firm sleep surface, for example a crib, bassinet, or Pack n' Play covered by a fitted sheet.'
Upstate University Hospital Safe Sleep Certification
“It is with great honor to present to you the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program’s highest designation, Gold Safe Sleep Champion! You have exceeded the criterion for the designated certificate level.” – Cribs for Kids
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