Dr. Carol Recker-Hughes Physical Therapy Clinical Education Fund

Carol Recker-Hughes, PT, PhD, is an Associate Professor Emeritus in the Physical Therapy Education Program at SUNY Upstate Medical University. With over 25 years’ experience in the role of Director of Clinical Education, Dr. Recker-Hughes has focused on strategies to enhance clinical education through the professional development of students, clinical instructors and clinical sites. She is recognized nationally as a leader for her impactful work in clinical education. Her efforts to improve and develop strong clinical partnerships have been very effective, strengthening student and clinician experiences. This fund was developed in an effort to continue to support her goals and legacy.

Carol is also a 1979 alumna of SUNY Upstate Medical University and served on the alumni board for many years.

Your gift of support to the Dr. Carol Recker-Hughes Physical Therapy Clinical Education Fund will honor Dr. Recker-Hughes’ commitment to the clinical education program. Where limited funds once stood as a roadblock for enhanced learning opportunities, this fund augments much needed enrichment resources. 



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