Friend in Deed

Upstate Foundation’s annual fund for Upstate University Hospital and Upstate Community Hospital is a great way to say thank you for exceptional care while helping others.

The Emergency Medicine Department at Upstate treats many patients who, for a variety of reasons, may not have appropriate apparel upon discharge. “We cut the clothing off every trauma patient,” explained Lyn Vorhis, a nurse in the adult emergency department. “I’ve had to discharge people into 30-degree weather wearing scrub pants and shower shoes.”

Through funding from Friend In Deed, Lyn was able to begin stocking a clothing closet to support patients when needed. Additionally, Lyn and her colleagues try to keep it stocked with gently used sweatshirts and coats, but the need never ends.


2024 Friend in Deed Co-Chairs

John Hoepner, MD
Professor and Chair Emeritus
Department of Ophthalmology
Upstate Medical University

This year, the hospital was able to provide home blood pressure cuffs to patients who wouldn’t be able to afford them any other way, thanks to Friend in Deed.

“When we can give needed supplies free, patients come back for the next visit, and they are grateful. That leads to a lot of job satisfaction. Thank you, Friend in Deed donors!” – Mary Jo Lakomski, BSPharm, CDCES, BCACP Center for International Health Upstate University Hospital


2024 Friend in Deed Co-Chairs

April Stone
CNY Infusion Services.

Many people embrace the new year with hope, especially after such a difficult year and as we continue to work through this ongoing pandemic. Some of us still hope to lose weight, quit smoking, or hope that somehow the new year will be better than the old. This year more than ever, most of us hope for good health. However, sometimes the unfortunate occurs, and hospitalization results. We would like to take this opportunity to tell you about the annual fund for Upstate University Hospital, which helps to provide for the needs of our patients and their families. We hope you will consider giving to the annual fund.

Called Friend in Deed, the annual fund is an important financial resource for many clinical programs and patient services at the hospital. In fact, it may surprise you to know that often it is the only potential source of funding for these programs and services, and many of those needs were made more severe because of the pandemic. Further, a gift to Friend in Deed reaches well beyond the hospital; it contributes to the overall health and well-being of our community. 

Every year, requests for funding from Friend in Deed exceed the amount raised, putting us in the very difficult position of deciding which worthwhile endeavors to fund...or not. Your donation is important, especially since Upstate University Hospital no longer receives any operating support from the state of New York. Thank you in advance for your gift to Friend in Deed!

Learn how Friend in Deed impacts patients and their families, click here.

Find out more about Friend in Deed awards, click here.

Applications for funding are now open

The deadline for applications is noon on February 7, 2025.

Click here to apply for funding.