Housecalls for the Homeless

“Our mission is to provide simple human dignity.” – Dr. David Lehmann

Upstate Medical University’s Housecalls for the Homeless was started by Dr. David Lehmann and Mia Ruiz-Salvador in the summer of 2018. Its mission is to provide medical, psychiatric and addiction safety-net services for men and women without homes in Onondaga County. The Upstate program is one of a growing number of “street medicine” programs in the nation, and across the world.

David Lehmann, MD, PharmD, honored with Onondaga County Medical Society’s highest distinction

At the annual meeting and service awards celebration this year, the Onondaga County Medical Society honored David Lehmann, MD, PharmD, with the Distinguished Service Award for 2021 for his contributions to the health and well-being of all citizens. Bonnie Grossman, MD, wrote in her nomination, “There are no bounds to his generosity of skill, spirit, and charity. By including medical students in this endeavor, and working with the Upstate Foundation, Dr. Lehmann is creating the building blocks of a program that hopefully will grow into the future.”  Congratulations Dr. Lehmann!  We cannot think of a more deserving recipient. View Dr. Lehmann’s virtual acceptance speech:

Housecalls for the Homeless – helping the homeless

Housecalls for the Homeless provides services at emergency shelters in Onondaga County and often works with In My Fathers Kitchen, an outreach service that distributes food and other necessities to homeless people on the street.

Beyond the physical care, a physician’s medical diagnosis can often assist people to qualify for supportive housing, helping them off the streets. Statistics show that the longer a person lives on the streets, the greater his or her risk of death.

The Housecalls for the Homeless Fund was established to provide much needed medications, medical supplies and equipment, and personal items that aid in the healthy betterment of the individuals we care for.

Collaboration is a key

Housecalls for the Homeless and In My Father’s Kitchen

How you can help

Please consider making a donation to the Housecalls for the Homeless Fund. Thank you!

Give online: Click here

Give by mail: Upstate Foundation, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
Make check payable to: Upstate Foundation and reference Housecalls in the memo

Give by phone: 315-464-4416

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